Student Council Elections

Submitted by scott.buck on

The voting for next year's student council recently took place at Diamond Fork Junior High.  After weeks of campaigning and voting, the final student council line-up has been chosen.

Co-Student Body Presidents: Jacob Warnock and Salaia Robarge

9th grade members: Thomas Cole, Emily Kessinger, Aanya Naulu, Lucky Smith and Noel Unufe

8th grade members: Isaiah Asiata, Ethan Jacobson, Opeti Iongi, Ebanie Mattinson, and Niua Tuita

Honor Society Field Trip

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Diamond Fork Junior High School’s National Junior Honor Society recently took a field trip visiting the Utah State Capital, Governor's Mansion, and Ensign Peak.  After a year filled with excellent service projects and many opportunities for growth, this field trip was just the kind of wrap up everyone was hoping for.  

National Honor Society

Submitted by scott.buck on

Diamond Fork Junior High School’s National Junior Honor Society has
been working dilligently on a service project for the last few months.
They have been cutting plastic grocery bags into strips and sending
them to mothers in Africa to crochet into baskets.  Honor Society
member Kiera Barton reported, “We fold regular white plastic grocery
bags a certain way and then cut them into 1-inch strips.  We roll them
up and are able to fit about fifty finished bags into a larger bag.
Afterwards, the two ladies in charge of the project pick them up from

Kailee Howland

Character Education Donates 50 Sack Lunches

Submitted by scott.buck on

Character Education students at Diamond Fork Junior High School have been busy.  Every Friday of the school year this class of 33 seventh graders collects hundreds of pounds of used paper to recycle.  After visiting each room in this school of over 1,400 students, the used paper is then hauled to the back parking lot and deposited into the recycling bin.  This recycled paper is purchased by a recycling company, which generates over $300 a year.

Fitness Day

Submitted by scott.buck on

Each year Diamond Fork Junior High holds Fitness Day. Fitness Day is an opportunity to celebrate fitness and encourage healthy choices among the student body.  This year, Fitness Day will be held on Tuesday, May 22nd.  A 5K (2.5 mile) run will be held for any interested students and adults.

Kira Nielson