Lagoon Day!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Over 600 students went to Lagoon yesterday as our final Diamondback Day Reward. Students as well as teachers enjoyed a day of almost no lines and beautiful weather! 

NJHS Field Trip

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Last week the National Junior Honor Society went on a field trip to Primary Children's Hospital and the State Capital. Students had made blankets which they were able to deliver to the patients of the hospital then were able to tour the capital. We have great students who are a part of NJHS and Mrs. Anderson is awesome as well. 

Paper Crane Delivery

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

In the spring our LIA class was in charge of our Make-a-Wish week which included a lot. We had a dance, we had an assembly, and we raised a lot of money for our wish child Ryver. Part of what was done was the making of a thousand paper cranes that we hung in the hall to honor her. Today our LIA students were able to deliver those cranes to Ryver at her home. It was a great day!

Thank You Mrs. Olsen!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We celebrated all the good that Mrs. Olsen has done for our school last week. She is moving on to Mt. Nebo Jr High next year to do more great things. She has built an amazing library during her years here at Diamond Fork. It is a place where students come each and everyday to do amazing things. She is kind, considerate, and knows more about books than anyone we have ever met. Thank You Mrs. Olsen! We will miss you here at Diamond Fork and know that the students at Mt. Nebo are getting the best, good luck!