Hope of America Winners

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Much has been happening recently here at our school. We honored our 9th graders who were awarded with the Kiwannis Club "Hope of America" Award. They were, Halley Caldwell, Ivy Drumm, Alexis Gladding, Kambrie Ivie, Seth Brown, AJ Rex, Jacob Theodosis, and Kimball Young.

Several of our studetns represented Diamond Fork at the Nebo Poetry Slam.

Our Choir also performed hits from Broadway. 

May Student of the Month Breakfast

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Celebrating our Students of the Month is a favorite day here at DFJHS. Lots of smiles and often times tears of joy are shed as we highlight the great kids that attend our school. Thanks to our amazing counselors and office staff for nominating students, and thanks to our parents for their support. We enjoyed hearing the great things these outstanding students do each day to make Diamond Fork a great place to be.

7th Grade: Jayden Kennedy, Kiean Patching, Sadie Clegg, & Ello O'Gwin

8th Grade: McKay Turner, Spencer Fano, Cristal Baez, Ian McBride, & Taysha Olsen

Latinos in Action Class Attends U of U Conference

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Our Latinos in Action class recently attended a conference at the Univeristy of Utah. Students are able to learn and interact with other students from across the state. Some of our students were able to perform a dance at the conference as well. You can watch the video of their performance on our school Facebook page. Thanks to Mr. Claybaugh for allowing the students this opportunity, they made Diamond Fork proud.

41 Specialized Bikes!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Thanks to the hard work of Mr. Rowley Diamond Fork recieved a grant from Specialized bikes for 41 new bikes for our school! Next year each PE student will get the use the bikes in a 2 week bike unit, and we are creating a new class called "Riding for Focus". If you would like to be in the class please go to the counseling office and sign up, space is limited so hurry!