Flu Letter

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

The Utah County Health Department recently sent out a letter to all schools in Utah County.  Please take a minute to read over it and follow its guidelines. We want kids to be healthy at school, thanks for your cooperation. 

February Students of the Month

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We love our Student of the Month breakfast. It is such a great experience to listen to teachers and parents share wonderful things about students. We recognized thirteen amazing students this morning as we gathered in our library. The Fine Arts department nominated students as well as our Character Ed class. Thanks to the following students for going above and beyond what is expected. Thanks to the parents for raising such awesome kids and sending them to Diamond Fork.

7th Grade: Carter Brandon, Joshua Udy, Tehanu Artmstrong, & Suzanne Jones

Art Class Murals

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Here are some photos of the class murals students created in Art. The first is supposed to be like stained glass. We love seeing the colorful reflections on the walls and floor when the sun is shining through the window. Students were given one small piece of a famous artwork and were instructed to recreate the lines they saw. They did not know what artwork they were creating, what pieces were going to be next to them or what colors to color (except in the Great Wave). It's fun seeing them all assembled.