Students Express Gratitude for Police Officers at Make-A-Wish Assembly.

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Two police officers from the canine training unit demonstrated the use of police dogs today at the Make-A-Wish Assembly. Mr. Mohler's father, Cory Wride, was killed in the line of duty five years ago this week. His partner who was also shot but survived was one of the police officers who came today. To honor their bravery and thank them for their service, the students gave the police officers a standing ovation. 

Teachers Make Good on Their Challenges for Make-A-Wish Week

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Team Time came up with challenges for their teachers to fulfill if we raised over a thousand dollars. Today at our Make-A-Wish assembly, they fulfilled challenges for the cause. We had dyed beards, shaved beards, river dancing, taratula holding, 44 oz. pop chugging, duct taping, motorcycle riding, dance offs, wig wearing, and more! It was a fun day where we celebrated granting a wish! See lots more photos on our Official Diamond Fork Facebook or Instagram page. 

DF Raises Over $2,000 for Make-A-Wish

Submitted by brenda.burr on

What a wonderful wish week! Students wore PJ's, danced at the ball, and donated to teacher challenge jars. Today, Mrs. Orr from Make-A-Wish came to our assembly to accept a check for over two thousand dollars. Thank you to our Diamond Fork students and community for helping grant a wish for children like our wish child Ryver!