"Wish Week"

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We are in the middle of our annual Wish Week. This year we are trying to grant a wish for a child in our community to go to Disneyland. Our goal is to reach $1000. On Thursday January 24th students can bring $1 and wear pajamas to school. On Friday January 25th we will have our Best Dress Make A Wish Ball from 6-8pm. The dance is best dress and the cost is $5. There will be a visit from our wish child and a special guest! 

Team Week Fun!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Last week our students participated in "Team Week" each day instead of going to E-Time. We have done this at the beginning of each term as a way to build unity and enjoysome fun activities with classmates. Students were in class learning about our Make-A-Wish week and then playing games like crab soccer, volleyball, and running tic tac toe. 

DFJHS Geography Bee

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Our DFJHS Geography Bee took place yesterday afternoon here at school amongst parents and some really smart students. Students were asked questions, if you answered correctly you moved on and this continued until the very end. All of the students did a fantstic job, congrats to our back-to-back winner Gavin Grotegut, he didn't miss a question the entire afternoon! 2nd Place was Brianna Clegg, 3rd place went to Aiden Atwood. Thanks to all who participated!

Light Painting

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We have a new Art teacher, Mrs. Mickelson, and wow is she doing some great things with our students. Look through the following "Light Painting" photos, they are amazing!