Congrats Science Fair Winners

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

In December we held a Science Fair here at Diamond Fork.  We know a lot of hard work and effort went into the projects, thanks students and parents.

Top 10 Winners are

1- Alexis Gladding

2- Kaylee Knotts

3- Hailey Stites, Genevieve Morgan

4-Nate Leishman

5-Isabella Moss, Lily Stutz, Megan Frisby

6-Howard Crawford

7- Matthew Brundage

8-Logan Brandon

9-Seth Brown, Jackson Coxson

10- Aiden Jones


NJHS Party

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Before the holiday break the National Junior Honor Society threw a party for Ms. Parker's special needs class. It was a lot of fun and the kids had a great time!

Mrs. Anderson's 20 over 20 Club Drawings

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Mrs. Anderson's first semester classes competed in a Writer’s Workout Challenge. They had hundreds of entries for the daily drawings and 39 students earned their spot in the 20 over 20 Club. These students wrote for at least 20 minutes over 20 different nights over a 25 day period. Those students celebrated their big accomplishments with grand prize drawings!

Welcome Back!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We hope that everyone was able to enjoy their holiday break and we are excited to welcome back students and teachers today. A few things to be aware of; Term 2 Ends next Thursday, January 10th. There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, Janary 11th. We are encouraging students to use the next two weeks (especially E-Time) wisely in order to get extra help on assignments, make up missing assignments, or work on test corrections to improve their understanding of material.