DFJHS Library is Awesome!!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Our DFJHS library is a pretty amazing place because we have Mrs. Olson, a pretty amazing librarian! Recently students created this self-standing KEVA Plank bridge that spanned acroos an entrie room! It is great to have a place where student's creativity comes alive. Not only are there cool things to do, but it is a great library full of great books, the evidence for that is that over 1,000 books have already been checked out this school year, we love to read! Thanks Mrs. Olson!!

Especially for Athletes Presentation at Diamond Fork

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Parents and students interested in the Especially for Athletes program stayed after school today to hear the founder of the program explain the positive impact that student athletes as well as all students involved in extra-curricular activities can make at their schools. "Eyes Up - Do the Work" is the motto meaning seek out poeple who might need your help and then being willing to do something about it!