New and Improved Diamond Fork E-Time Game Room

Submitted by brenda.burr on

With the help of many hands, we have revamped and redcorated two of the portables into an expanded game room for E-Time. A big thank you to Mrs. Katie Garner, a Diamond Fork mom and professional artist for her "Game Time" mural! Another big thank you to our awesome Diamond Fork counselors who man the game room! Students can participate in board games, card games, basketball shoot, ping pong, air hockey, Fooz ball, and more. 

Diamond Fork has a Chime Choir!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Students can join the Diamond Fork Chime CHoir as an afternoon club. Students get a snack and then get to learn from the best! Ms. Scott is a member of the Bells on Temple Square Bell Choir. No experience, no music reading needed! See Ms. Scott in Room 1515 or email at janeen.scott [at] 

DFJHS Students Donate to Help Evacuated Families

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Late Tuesday evening Mrs. Burr sent out a message to our students and parents, "Families displaced by the fires need our help, bring items to school Wednesday morning to be donated to families and volunteer firefighers." The response was amazing! With such a short amount of time to bring items in we still had enough items to fill two trucks full. Thanks for your amazing support, we live in a wonderful community.