DFJHS Tradition Continues. . .

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

If you have ever walked down the halls of Diamond Fork you will notice that colorful ceiling tiles dot the otherwise plain white ceiling tiles. For many years the Advanced Art students have ended the year by painting ceiling tiles that are placed in the hallways. The students always do a wonderful job, and this year is no different. Awesome work students!

Topaz Field Trip

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Last Week our 7th Graders went on a field trip to the new Topaz Museum in central Utah. It was a great experience for the students, they learned a bit more about the history of Utah.

Concert Time!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Last week we had several different concerts here at DFJHS. Here are a few pictures of those, you can go to our Facebook page to watch several video's of those performances. Just search "Official Diamond Fork Junior High School".