6th Grade Day

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Today we welcomed our future 6th grade students to Diamond Fork. Students were able to listen to the band, choir, and orchestra as well as get some registration information. They had a video tour of the school and got to meet some of their future fellow students. Thanks to our counselors for their efforts in making today happen!

PTA March Madness Fundraiser

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
  • PTA March Madness fundraiser
  • Monday-Friday March 26-30
  • Notes should be coming home Monday and are to be returned by Friday to their math class teacher. Math classes are competing for the most signed and return notes. The top three classes will be rewarded with 1st place receiving a pizza party, 2nd place doughnuts and last place ice cream.

Honor Roll Cookies

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

On Wednesday students who had a GPA of 3.5 or higher were rewarded for their efforts with a delicious cookie. We had over 850 students earn this award for Term 3, that is over 70% of our overall student population with a 3.5 GPA or higher, that is amazing! Nice work students and teachers!

College Week Door Posters!!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Check out the amazing door posters that are being displayed as part of college week! We have some pretty talented artists, and it has been fun to learn about some different schools! Thanks for all of the hard work and effort. Check back later this week to see those posters that are not quite finished.