February 2018 Students of the Month

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We had another great breakfast celebrating our February students of the month. Teachers from our Fine Arts department nominated students this month. Teachers talk about why they nominated a particular student, then a parent also gets to share good things about their student. It is such a neat experience to be able to recognize a few of our wonderful Diamondbacks. We appreciate all of the support we get from parents (the meeting is ALWAYS well attended) and from Mr. Buck and the service learning class. Nice work Diamondbacks!

Specialist Peters Visits Diamond Fork

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Students in 8th and 9th grade social studies classes heard from Specialist Peters from the Idaho National Guard, Honor Guard, and Field Artillery member. He talked about respect for the flag, patriotism, and the US military. Specialist Peters is the husband of our 9th-grade social studies teacher, Mandy Peters. 


Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Students have been sending Val-O-Grams to one another for only .50 cents! They go to Mr. Buck's room to sign up and pay, then the service learning classes deliver the val-o-grams all over the school to students. Parents can also do this for their students if they would like, just make payment in the front office. All the proceeds are being dontated to Primary Children's Hospital. The last day for Val-O-grams is Wednesday. 

Give Us Your Feedback!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

The Nebo School District Survey is available for parent input February 9- 25th. Please go to this link and give valuable feedback on our teachers, administrators, and school. https://neboschools.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a3Lrk9lpA9ORMRD