January 12, 2015 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

This week is the end of Term 2. I cannot believe we are this far into the school year! It has been a fun year and the students have been amazing. We have a great group of young people and we are excited to see what the next semester brings.

We have only a few announcements this week as we prepare for the new term.


National Jr. Honor Society:

January 5, 2015 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

In recent weeks we have talked about our five core values of courage, compassion, respect, integrity and perseverance. The impetus for the five values came from our mission statement that reads, “We empower students to think critically, live responsibly and lead ethically.” Our students practice core values by living the mission of the school. We believe when we act in accordance with our mission, we will become productive members of our citizenry.

Alesha LeMmon

Biology Water Labs

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

In Biology, we’ve been learning about water. We learned that water is the universal solvent. A solvent is a liquid that a substance dissolves in. To prove this point we conducted an experiment. On lab day, we conducted our first one. We poured 10 mL of water into four different test tubes. Next, we added either sodium chloride (also known as table salt), sugar, baking soda, or epsom salts. We set a timer and after one minute, we saw how much the substance had dissolved by comparing it to a test tube that had the same amount of the substance in it.

Taylen Moss

December 9, 2014 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

In very few words, respect is the condition of being esteemed or honored. One of our five core values at DFJHS is respect. We can think highly of a person because of their positive qualities. We can have high regard for another person’s choices or decisions. Additionally, we can and should respect ourselves.

Alesha LeMmon