Stars Assembly

Submitted by scott.buck on

On Tuesday, November 26th students at Diamond Fork Junior High were amazed as they watched the talents of their fellow classmates in the school's annual Stars Assembly.  From singing and dancing to comedy and drama it was all available to the audience.

Nerves were on edge as performers waited their turn, but in the end everything went off without a hitch.  Students commented, "This was really good!"  And even grizzled veteran teachers were heard to say, "I was impressed; the kids were really prepared this year." 

November Students of the Month

Submitted by scott.buck on

Every month at Diamond Fork Junior High two students from the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades are selected as students of the month.  These students are nominated and then voted on by the entire faculty.  The students of the month for November are:

7th Grade: Reeyna Sanner and Keegan Sopher

8th Grade: Kasey Jones and Devin McQuivey

9th Grade: Shaylee Ivie and Tyler Jordan

Nebo Afterschool Program

Submitted by scott.buck on

The Nebo Afterschool Program is a series of 4-H clubs that meet after school every day at Diamond Fork Junior High. There are currently 8 after school clubs including Journalism, Chess, Duct Tape Art, Service Learning, School PR Club, Student Council Club, and the Keep Up Catch Up Club.

The Journalism club gives students an opportunity to film various segments for the weekly Diamond Fork News broadcasts. The journalism club meets every Tuesday from 2:45-4:00 in room 21.

By: Anna Paletua

$1,000 Bookmark Winner At DFJHS

Submitted by scott.buck on

Congratulations to Diamond Fork's own Anastacia Kadomtsev for winning $1,000 by designing the 1st place bookmark in the "Make Your Mark" bookmark contest sponsored by Utah Education Savings Plan. Over 8,000 students from the entire state of Utah entered the contest and only two students in each of the four grade level divisions won the grand prize of $1,000 each.  Anastacia triumphed in the 7th & 8th grade division.

Character Education

Submitted by scott.buck on

Character Education students at Diamond Fork Junior High School have been busy.  Every Friday of the school year this class of 35 seventh graders collects hundreds of pounds of used paper to recycle.  After visiting every room in this school of 1,200 students, the used paper is then hauled to the back parking lot and deposited into the recycling bins.  This recycled paper is purchased by a recycling company, which generates over $300 a year.