Make-A-Wish Assembly

Submitted by bart.thompson on

We officially wrapped up our Make-A-Wish efforts today with our Teacher Dare Assembly!  Here are just a few of the highlights!

As a school, we far surpassed our goal of $4000.  After receiving a generous donation from the SF Walmart of $1000, our GRAND TOTAL came to $7500! 

Way to go Diamondbacks!

Join us for Washington Wednesday!

Submitted by bart.thompson on

On Wednesday, February 19th, Diamond Fork Jr will be having a "Washington Wednesday!" We are encouraging every student, faculty, staff and anyone else willing to participate, to donate at least one dollar to our Make-A-Wish fundraiser!

We are getting so close to reaching our goal of granting Remi's wish, and we need a big push these last few days! Please help out if you can!

#dfjhs   #dfjhsallin   #strongertogetherdfjhs   #neboschooldistrict   #doitforremington