Diamondback Day Invitations/ Permission Slips Sent Home

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Our 2nd Term Diamondback Day is just around the corner (Tuesday, December 17).  Students who qualified (no D's or F's, no N's or U's, no Tardies or Sluffs) were given an information sheet and parent permission slip today in 1st Period. These permission slips MUST be returned no later than Friday, December 13th.

Our Diamondback Day activity will be to attend "Frozen 2" at the Stadium Cinemas in Payson that morning.  Regular classes will be held that day for all students who didn't qualify, or who choose not to attend.

December Students of the Month

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Huge Congratulations to these amazing students for being nominated as Students of the Month for December! Keep up the great work!

Brylie GrenAmy TongTy SchellhousDane GibsonTohzmara BegaySavanna KearnsKaden HeapsJoshua ChappellKatie McCombGrace HerbertKurt SalazarSalvador Vasquez