Tiny Art!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

DFJHS drawing students created tiny paintings of something shrunk down to a much smaller scale. You can see these canvases hung in a couple spots down low in the hallways!

Give Me A Break! DFJHS new "Break Room" unveiled

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Thanks to the hard work of soon-to-be Eagle Scout Sawyer West and his crew (mom, dad and friends), DFJHS has a brand new "Break Room" for students who are in need of a mental health break during the day.  The room is available to students who for whatever reason need a few minutes to escape from anxiety, stress, frustration, etc.

Sawyer and his team re-painted the room, provided rugs, plants, a comfortable recliner, calming indirect lighting, and provided several mindfulness devices.  Thank you Sawyer!