Inaugural "ALL IN" Award Recipient

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Beginning this year, we will award our "ALL IN" award to a member of our Faculty/Staff each month during Faculty Meeting.  This month, our amazing counselor Sandy Caceres earned the award! Ms. Caceres is an incredible member of our TEAM, and goes above and beyond on a regular basis for our students! She can be found here at the school late into the night and throughout the summer helping to make our school a place where every student feels welcomed and loved. 

Thanks for being such a great example of "ALL IN!"

Stronger Together

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Our 2019-20 DFJHS Theme is "STRONGER TOGETHER."  We BELIEVE it! We LOVE it! We LIVE it!

Today, our "TEAM TIME" teams were asked to come up with a way to show "STRONGER TOGETHER" in a photo.  Here's what they came up with!

Rivalry Day

Submitted by bart.thompson on

It's Rivalry Day, and at DFJHS our teachers are showing their team colors!  Even a little friendly prank on Mr. Bowden's class is part of the fun!

Despite the rivalry, the faculty and staff are ALL IN and STRONGER TOGETHER!


Nebo Partners with Red Cross to Provide a Disaster Shelter Live Tour & Preparedness Fair

Submitted by bart.thompson on

A Disaster Shelter Live Tour & Preparedness Fair will be held on September 16, 2019, at the Nebo School District's Summit Center.  The Red Cross will be setting up a shelter and will provide a free meal for the first 400 attendees.  There will be preparedness classes which you can sign up for.  If you and your family are interested in seeing what a shelter looks like, you may want to attend this fair.   

8th Grade Health Humanitarian Project

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Do you ever wonder what to do with all those pesky plastic grocery sacks hanging around the house?  Well look no further. The 8th grade Health classes will be helping with a Humanitarian Project to convert plastic bags into woven waterproof sleeping mats for 3rd world countries.  

If you would like to help us out, please bring your bags to either the Health room (40) or Mrs. Lewis' choir room (43) and deposit them in one of the designated black garbage bags.  Please bring all bags by next Tuesday, September 3rd.

Team Time 2019-20

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Fridays are always special in school, but at Diamond Fork, they are exceptional!  Each Friday, we take time out of our busy day for our "TEAM TIME" activities. Research has proven again and again that Social Connectedness is critical to success in every aspect of life--academic, emotional, mental, etc.  In fact, it is one of the strongest predictors of Life Longevity!


Submitted by bart.thompson on

Thursday night, DFJHS held their "ALOHA" Dance at the school.  It was a wonderful turnout, with over 500 of our students attending!  Great music, great friends, great time! It was a magnificent way to kick off an amazing new school year!  Let's make 2019-20 the best year yet!

Parent Education Night

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Nebo School District will host a Free Parent Education Night for any and all parents interested.  This year's speaker is Joe Hendershott.  He will be speaking on Mental Health for teens. 

Here are the details:

  • Free Parent Education Night
  • September 16, 2019
  • 7:00pm
  • Salem Hills High School

See the attached flier for more details! Hope to see you all there!

Weekly Newsletter #1

Submitted by bart.thompson on

Each week, we will post a Newsletter letting you know all the amazing things that are happening at Diamond Fork Jr High.  We will do our best to highlight exciting news and upcoming events.

Here is WEEK 1!  Welcome back to school!