Mrs. Susan Anderson -- Teacher of the Year

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Our very own Mrs. Susan Anderson was recently recognized as the "Teacher of the Year" from Diamond Fork Jr. Mrs. Anderson is an outstanding educator who loves her students. She creates an excellent atmosphere of learning and is known for her hard work and dedication. We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Anderson as one of our staff members, congrats Mrs. Anderson, you are amazing!

Diamondbacks in Action

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Thanks to our Character Ed class we have an awesome new hallway display. The "Diamondbacks in Action" board hangs in the hallway displaying pictures of students who have been nominated by their peers for the great people they are. Attached are just a few of the picutres with the peer write-up as to why they were nominated. 

Parking Lot Procedures

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We appreciate all of the support and help from our patrons this year as we have sought to make the north parking lot run as smooth as possible before and after school with buses and parents dropping students off. We know adjustments have been made for the safety of the students and we appreciate all of the support.

Traditional Fine Arts Assembly Before Spring Break

Submitted by brenda.burr on

As tradition dictates, but never ceases to amaze us, the Diamond Fork Fine Arts Department provided top notch talent in our send off to Spring Break. The orchestra, jazz band, choirs, guitar, and drama club all performed as the beautiful art work of our students was displayed in a slide show in the background. We are so lucky to have such talented students and such talented teachers. Thank you Mrs. Poulsen, Mrs. Lewsi, Mrs. Olsen, Mr. Bigler, and Mrs. Mickelsen! 

Spring Break!

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Spring Break is April 1-5, enjoy the time off and be safe Diamondbacks! We will see you back here at school on Monday April 8th. 

Author Dr. Crowe Comes To Diamond Fork

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Our 7th grade Secondary Reading students just finished the non-fiction book, The Emmett Till Story written by Dr. Chris Crowe, a BYU professor. Recently the Emmett Till case was reopened. Our students got to see first hand the impact of research and writing. Students came prepared with questions to ask Dr. Crowe about his book, writing, and research.