Stand 4 Kind Assembly

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

We had such an amazing assembly today! It was put on by the organization Stand 4 Kind. We enjoyed listening to UVU All American wrestler Ben Kjar as he gave an inspirational message about being a Victor not a victim. His message was empowering  will impact many of our students for good. We were then treated to the music of an up and coming local band called Foregin Figures. They had our school rock'n out, it was awesome! 

January Students of the Month

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Congratulations to the following students selected as January’s Students of the Month!!! These Students of the Month were chosen because of their excellent academic and citizenship performance! We appreciate each of you STANDING IN THE HALL OF FAME by showing respect, courage, integrity, compassion, and perseverance in your life each day. The Students of the Month are:

7th Grade:  Abagail Davis  &  Trace Mortensen

Science Fair Winners

Submitted by mike.sorensen on


1st place winning $25:     Maya Buck and Maddie Davis

2nd place winning $15:    Amanda Pratt 

3rd place winning $10:    Mckenna Murphy & Raygen Grosland 


Projects earning Honorable Mention:

Isaac & Kaleb Fulwider

Oliver Davis

Isaac Smith

Thomas Baldwin and Stirling Maghn


And those also going on to District:

Ady Gasser

Kaden Renz

Danielle Nikolashin

Kaiden Baird