DFJHS Halloween Haiku Contest Winners

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Congratulations to our Halloween Haiku Contest winners! Best Overall Haiku goes to Justin Drollinger who received a $10 Cold Stone Creamery gift card.

Other winners included Kynsie Hone (Best Halloween Theme), Kayden Nielson (Best Word Choice), Lorraine Casas (Creepiest), Emily Bates (Best Presentation), and Chance Simons (Funniest). Each of these winners received a $5 Cold Stone Creamery gift card.

Kami Bone

Horsing Around!

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Last week DFJHS Agriculture teacher Mrs. Draper had some fun with her Veterinary Assistant class when they were able to learn more about horse care. Mrs. Draper brought two of her horses to school! The students were able to gain hands on experience with the horses as Mrs. Draper and our principal, Mr. Peterson gave them valuable information. Thanks, Mr. Peterson and Mrs. Draper!


Alesha LeMmon

Future Farmers at DFJHS

Submitted by scott.buck on

The FFA (Future Farmers of America) at Diamond Fork is an agricultural class that leads students to a career path in farming and agriculture. Future Farmers of America was founded by a group of farmers in 1928, their original mission was to prepare future generations for the challenges of feeding the growing nation. Today they are still called Future Farmers of America, but the official name was changed to FFA in 1988. Today they have expanded to other areas in agriculture like biology, chemistry, veterinary, and engineering.

By: Leah Bauer

Diamondback In Action: Jacob Reeves

Submitted by scott.buck on

8th grade student Jacob Reeves was recently recognized as a "Diamondback In Action" for his courage while facing opposition.  Jacob was born legally blind and has become an inspiration to others by the way he has dealt with his disability.  Instead of being angry and bitter, Jacob is the total opposite.  He is open, kind and friendly with everyone he meets.  He finds his challenges have actually made him a better person.

By: Laton Hansen

Intramurals at Diamond Fork

Submitted by scott.buck on

Do you know about the amazing intramural program we have here at Diamond Fork Junior High? The intramural program at Diamond Fork is the perfect time and place for students to have fun and be active with their friends. Throughout the school year students have the opportunity to participate in and play many different sports. Including soccer, flag football, basketball, volleyball and dodgeball.

By: Mary Kilpatrick

Service Learning Club

Submitted by scott.buck on

Diamond Fork Junior High has a Service Learning Club that meets every Tuesday after school in the lunch room. The school started this club to serve the community and give kids the opportunity to serve outside of school. An average of 15 kids join the club and about eight come every week. The kids who join this club are caring and love to serve. 

By: Brooklyn Jackman

DFJHS Values

Submitted by scott.buck on

Has this ever happened to you? You’re walking down the hall with an armful of books for your next class. You turn the corner and all of a sudden someone come crashing into you sending all of your papers flying. Without hesitation the student bends down and immediately starts to help you pick up the papers.  This happens all the time at Diamond Fork Jr. High.  I am not meaning the crashing into each other, I’m talking about helping out each other.  Diamond Fork has 5 core values that not only the students focus on but also the teachers and administrators.

By: Erika Webster

DFJHS Student Council

Submitted by scott.buck on

The end of the school year brings about many changes, and it is time to welcome our 7 new student council members.  They are Nyah Heber president; 9th grade representatives Katie Funk, Anthony Tai Palepoi, and Hannah Taylor; and 8th grade representatives Ladd Davis, Josh Judkins, and Kacey Melton.

These 7 new members of the Diamond Fork Junior High student council will be attending the Dixie Leadership Conference in St. George this summer to begin planning their awesome new school year.  Best wishes to Diamond Fork's 2014-2015 student council members!