D-Back Dash!

Submitted by scott.buck on

Diamond Fork Jr. High is hosting its 9th annual 5k run on May 23rd. They are doing this to help fight the obesity epidemic in young kids. Studies show that every 1 in 5 kids are obese. Some ways that kids get obese is they have unhealthy eating patterns, lack of physical activities, or both. It is rare for kids to get obese by medical conditions.

By: Adisyn Duvall

DFJHS Dream Team

Submitted by scott.buck on

Did you know that Diamond Fork Junior High School has five specific core values? DFJHS strives to perfect these values and apply them to their everyday lives. The five core values are courage, integrity, compassion, perseverance, and respect. There is a special group of friendly and intelligent students that really have these values for themselves and also to spread with others.

By: Vanessa Aguero

Yearbook: Behind the Scenes!

Submitted by scott.buck on

Here at Diamond Fork Junior High School we have had the opportunity to publish a yearbook at the end of every year since we started out as Spanish Fork Middle School. Not many people know how yearbooks are put together, unless you have been on a yearbook committee before. So I decided to inform you on how these wonderful parts of a school’s history get put together.

By: Emily Bates

Students of the Month

Submitted by scott.buck on

Every month at Diamond Fork Junior High two students from the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades are selected as students of the month.  These students are nominated for their outstanding citizenship and hard work. Nominees are then voted on by the entire faculty.  The students of the month for March are:

7th Grade: Elysia Martinez and Dallin Johnson

8th Grade: Jacklynne Calderon and Clark Tolbert

9th Grade: Seryn Martin and Korbin Bott

4-H Homework Club Winner

Submitted by scott.buck on

Congratulations to Hannah Cary for winning a $15 Coldstone gift card in the 4-H after school homework club drawing for March.  Hannah not only attended the 4-H club numerous times over the last 4 weeks, but she also completed and turned in many homework assignments.

The 4-H program regularly awards gift cards to those who attend the after school homework club and complete homework assignements.  So congratultions to Hannah for winning a $15 Coldstone gift card!

Once Upon a Mattress

Submitted by scott.buck on

Recently, Diamond Fork Junior High held their school play “Once Upon a Mattress.” This play is based on the famous fairytale "The Princess and the Pea." It all started with the young Prince Harry who did everything he could to find the right bride for himself.  His mother appeared as an impediment to stop him from marrying.  Eventually the Princess from the swamp, nicknamed “Fred”, came before Prince Harry as the perfect bride. Will Harry’s mother stop Prince Harry and Princess Fred from becoming man and wife?

By: Dallin Carter

NJHS Special Needs Olympics

Submitted by scott.buck on

The National Junior Honors Society (NJHS) of Diamond Fork Junior High recently held a Special Olympics service project inspired by the president of the honors society Jonathan Tanner. Special needs students were placed into groups of 3-4 and chose a country to represent.  Each of the NJHS students also picked a country and made individual posters for that student and their country so they could cheer on that student while competing in all of their events.

By: Alexis Proctor

Students of the Month

Submitted by scott.buck on

Every month at Diamond Fork Junior High two students from the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades are selected as students of the month.  These students are nominated for their outstanding citizenship and hard work. Nominees are then voted on by the entire faculty.  The students of the month for February are:

7th Grade: Elysia Martinez and Dallin Johnson

8th Grade: Jacklynne Calderon and Clark Tolbert

9th Grade: Seryn Martin and Korbin Bott

Art Classes

Submitted by scott.buck on

Mr. Anderson teaches many types of art classes here at Diamond Fork Junior High such as Art Foundations, Drawing, and 3D Art. Most students at Diamond Fork participate in the Art Foundations class before entering the Drawing or 3D Art classes.  Art Foundations teaches the basics of art from both drawing and 3D such as shading, color schemes, clay, ect.  After you complete the Art Foundations class you could choose to participate in either Drawing or 3D Art - depending on which you are more interested in.

By: McKenna Babbitt

Literary Contests

Submitted by scott.buck on

This year Diamond Fork Junior High's English department has hosted several different literary competitions for students. The Halloween Haiku contest started off the fun this year and gave students the opportunity to compose a terrifically mysterious haiku for the entire school to enjoy.

By:Laton Hansen