DFMS Resume Normal School Day - All are Safe

Submitted by brenda.burr on

All students and faculty at Spanish Fork High are safe.  This was a false report of an active shooter at Spanish Fork High.  Police responded quickly and lock down protocol was immediately put into place.  Police swept the building and have deemed it safe.   
As a result your school was either on lockdown or lockout for a short period of time.

We appreciate the quick reaction of our local law enforcement and administration. 

Diamond Fork's 1st Underwater Robotics Team!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

We are so proud of our 1st underwater robotics team! Thank you to our teachers, Ms. Tuttle, Mortensen, and Hunt for helping these students create, build, test, and compete with their underwater robots. A big shout out to local business support and Landon Garner from our School Community Council and US Synthetic, ChampionX Company for his help!