Finish Strong!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

We are not done yet!  As we draw closer to the beginning of summer, teachers and students are scrambling to get the most they can out of the final days of this school year!  Here is a photo journey of just one day of the last two weeks of school at DFMS.

Brenda Burr

Final Choir Concert!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Congratulations to Ms. Brown and all of the students that performed at the choir concerts tonight!  You did so well!  Way to demonstrate courage and perseverance, two of our core values!

DFMS Debate Competition!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Students in our debate class participated in a competition today.  It was an amazing culmination of all that these students have worked so hard for in this class.  Way to go Mr. Ryan and all of the Diamondbacks that participated today!

Brenda Burr

Ceiling Tile art!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Our own Jay Wu recovering from traumatic surgery wanted to come back and leave his ceiling tile mark on Diamond Fork. He choose Garfield wearing red shoes for Stand for Kind! We love you, Jay! Thank you for reminding us all of the importance of kindness!

Brenda Burr

Dance Recital!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Dansation! at Diamond Fork! We are so proud of our Diamond Fork Dancers! Outstanding performances tonight! Amazing teacher, Mrs. Gardiner!

Brenda Burr

May Students of the Month

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!  Thank you for exemplifying our core values and for being ALL IN for learning.

  • Jozef Maury
  • Daniel Villalobos
  • Connor Mattinson
  • Ava Smith
  • Thomas Jensen
  • Aria Davis
  • Sadie Clayton
  • Mkayzli Ennis
  • Jessie Pacheco
  • Houston Bennett
  • Adara Smith
  • Aria M Davis
  • Lilyan McNeil*

*Nominated by Character Ed

Brenda Burr