Testing Schedules

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Testing will resume this week and finish up next week. Just a reminder that the bell schedule will be altered on the days that we are testing. Please look through the attached schedules to see the order of your class periods April 26-May 4. Copies of the schedules are available in the front office. Thanks for finishing strong Diamondbacks. 


April Students of the Month

Submitted by russ.sumens on

Congratulations to our April Students of the Month:

7th Grade: Matheus Borges, Morgan Adams, Ava Welch, Jaycee Haderlie

8th Grade: Aaron Solis, Brynn Silvia, Audrey Hansen, Lizbeth Rodriguez Lopez, Ashton Scott

9th Grade: Gavin Frisby, Ryker Dirkmaat, Tyli Knudsen, Alyssa Concoby

Character Ed: Ella Mason

3rd term Honor Roll

Submitted by russ.sumens on

We have amazing students at Diamond Fork that work hard in class and strive to be their better selves.  For 3rd term we had over 850 students make the honor roll.  Congrats to them for their hard work and focus.  Way to be ALL IN for learning!


Mr. Dennis Olsen: 2021 Nebo School District Teacher of the Year!

Submitted by russ.sumens on

“Dennis is simply a legend and beloved teacher. He has a sense of humor and wit that endears him to his students. He challenges honor students and supports struggling students well. Dennis exhibits a unique kindness and support to teachers. He will drop by their room to offer support and drop by a bag of cookies. Dennis is a treasure for other math teachers and the community. He is a devoted teacher, whose exemplary role model will have a positive impact on his students. There could be no finer candidate to represent the teaching profession than Dennis Olsen.”