Paper Cranes for Ryver

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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Mrs. Peters and Mr. Mohler's classes recently took on a huge project. As part of our "Wish Week" students folded 1,000 paper cranes for our wish child Ryver. In Japan during WWII a little girl named Sadako Sasaki got Leukemia from the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki, she was 12. Sadako heard that if you made 1,000 paper cranes the God's would grant you a wish. Sadako wished to be well and was able to make about 600 cranes before she realized she was going die before completing the 1,000. Instead of wishing to be well, she changed her wish for peace. After she passed away her classmates got together and finished making the 1,000 paper cranes. 1,000 paper cranes are a symbolic wish for health, peace, and good fortune for those whom they are made for. We made 1,000 paper cranes for our wish child Ryver. We hope that she will have peace and be well again soon.