April 2012

Fitness Day

Submitted by scott.buck on

Each year Diamond Fork Junior High holds Fitness Day. Fitness Day is an opportunity to celebrate fitness and encourage healthy choices among the student body.  This year, Fitness Day will be held on Tuesday, May 22nd.  A 5K (2.5 mile) run will be held for any interested students and adults.

Kira Nielson

Maple Mountain Soccer Comes To Diamond Fork

Submitted by scott.buck on

The Maple Mountain Soccer boys JV team has come to Diamond Fork.  Diamond Fork is home to 11 of the 22 kids that play on the Maple Mountain JV team, and one student that plays on both the Varsity and JV teams.  Diamond Fork students who are team members include Jaden Wagner, Joe Rawl, Joe Phelps, Trevor Jacobsen, Will Grahram, Drew Huffman, Logan Brower, Kelly Jones, John Chappell, Jaden Wagner, Alex Kessinger, and Renzo Barreta. It is very unusual that more than half of a high school team comes from a junior high.  The JV record currently is 2-3.

Austin Rothaug

Diamond Fork Junior High School Track Team

Submitted by scott.buck on

The DFJHS track team held a meeting on March 8th to discuss track team events and ensure that proper forms were completed by doctors and parents to give permission for athletes to participate on the track team.  Diamond Fork has four track coaches; two of them are distance coaches and two are sprinting coaches.  The two distance coaches are Coach Claybaugh and Coach Dowse and the two sprinting coaches are Coach Richards and Coach Draper.  All of the coaches work extremely hard so that Diamond Fork can have an outstanding track team. 

Spencer Nielsen

Crystal Apple Award Winner Maria Lewis

Submitted by scott.buck on

Maria Lewis, health teacher and yearbook advisor at Diamond Fork Junior High School, was honored by her fellow faculty members as this year's winner of the Crystal Apple Award.  Maria has taught at Diamond Fork since the school's opening in 1997.  Maria is known for her dedication to her students and her amazingly positive demeanor.  A fellow teacher observed, "Maria is always positive and upbeat.  No matter what challenges she is facing away from school she is always positive, smiling and a fun to be around.

Tate Colton

Mock Supreme Court

Submitted by scott.buck on

Miss Anderson’s English class held a mock Supreme Court regarding the
case of T.L.O. vs New Jersey that took place in 1985. The case
concerned the search and seizure of a girl’s bag who had been smoking
in a restroom at the high school. Six students played the role of
lawyers, and there were nine justices and a handful of court
reporters. Many arguments were brought up from both sides about
whether or not the search conducted by the vice principal of the

Brianne Olsen