December 2014

Biology Water Labs

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

In Biology, we’ve been learning about water. We learned that water is the universal solvent. A solvent is a liquid that a substance dissolves in. To prove this point we conducted an experiment. On lab day, we conducted our first one. We poured 10 mL of water into four different test tubes. Next, we added either sodium chloride (also known as table salt), sugar, baking soda, or epsom salts. We set a timer and after one minute, we saw how much the substance had dissolved by comparing it to a test tube that had the same amount of the substance in it.

Taylen Moss

December 9, 2014 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

In very few words, respect is the condition of being esteemed or honored. One of our five core values at DFJHS is respect. We can think highly of a person because of their positive qualities. We can have high regard for another person’s choices or decisions. Additionally, we can and should respect ourselves.

Alesha LeMmon

Wrestling Season!

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Wrestling season is well under way and the boys have been practicing hard for their matches. The first two matches against SFJHS and SaJHS were a team loss, but many of the wrestlers did a great job in their individual matches.  Colton Bean, Nate Hausbrow, Hyrum Froerer, Hayden Webster and Grady Nelson went away with wins against SaJHS last night.

The next match will be at home against MNJHS on December 10th at 3:30pm. Let's all support our wrestlers for all of their hard work!

FanFan Charles

Fruits Of Our Handiwork

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Sewing is a useful and practical life skill. Last month the sewing classes worked on several projects as they learned stitchery methods. Many students are even working on additional projects to give as Christmas gifts this season. Mrs. Gardner (Castillo) guides students through each step of the process to create fun and innovative designs.

The photos display some of the great talent and skills learned in class. Good job, students!


Alesha LeMmon

El Dia de los Muertos

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Mr. Claybaugh's class celebrated "El Dia de los Muertos" or Day of the Dead by coloring face masks and skulls that represented what the day means. Afterwards, they were hung in the hall.

We also watched informational videos that Senor Claybaugh showed in class. It taught us of the many traditions that Hispanics celebrate this day. They usually have a lot of food and a dance/parade. 

Estefany DePaz, Natalia Gonzalez

December 1, 2014 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

Many of us can recall a teacher or other educator throughout our academic career who gave us a gift of knowledge. Some teachers even shared with us tidbits of wisdom on other topics, as well. Often, we may not even remember the academic concept teachers taught us, but we remember how they made us feel. Teachers have a way of validating and frequently helping students to explore or find their talents, skills, abilities and at times, their very self-worth.

Alesha LeMmon