Character Education Donates 50 Sack Lunches

Submitted by scott.buck on

Character Education students at Diamond Fork Junior High School have been busy.  Every Friday of the school year this class of 33 seventh graders collects hundreds of pounds of used paper to recycle.  After visiting each room in this school of over 1,400 students, the used paper is then hauled to the back parking lot and deposited into the recycling bin.  This recycled paper is purchased by a recycling company, which generates over $300 a year.
Four times during the school year the Character Education students take the money they raise and purchase the necessary items to make 50 sack lunches to distribute to the homeless and the hungry at the Provo Food and Care Coalition.  They visit the coalition and tour through many of its facilities - even meeting some of the people receiving assistance.  This has proven to be an eye-opening and powerful experience for many students.  Congratulations to the Character Education students at DFJHS for their hard work and success.