Choirs at Diamond Fork

Submitted by scott.buck on

There are two choirs at Diamond Fork Junior High, Chorus 1 and Concert Choir. Students audition for Concert Choir, but Chorus 1 is open to anyone interested in working on strengthening their voice.  Students in choir work very hard to make sure their voices sound excellent for performances. 

Mr. Tuckett, the choir teacher at Diamond Fork, has many years of experience performing in and directing famous choirs.  He stresses sight reading for his students. He knows that to improve, students will need to become excellent sight readers. 

Concert Choir attended the festival competition on March 28th, and will attend another round on May 1st.  Festival is a great opportunity to be evaluated by experts.  At the March 28th festival the Diamond Fork Choir scored a 2 - the second highest score possible.

The choir's final performance will be held at our school on May 9th, and the public is invited to attend.  Sharing their talents is a rewarding experience for everyone in Diamond Fork's two choirs - come and see what they have to offer.

By: Savannah Wilson