December 16, 2014 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on
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Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

How do we know we have integrity? What makes us people of integrity?  Integrity is the state of being whole, unimpaired and sound. One of our five core values at DFJHS is integrity. Doors can provide an analogy. Some doors are hollow so when we knock on them they sound as if nothing is inside because the fact is, nothing is inside. When we knock on a solid door, we know from the sound that something is inside and it is connected to the outside of the door. The door is whole. The sound of the knock on the solid door indicates integrity, soundness and wholeness.

People aren’t as simple as that but, people that possess integrity are solid inside and out. In the words of W. Clement Stone, a businessman and philanthropist of the early 20th century, “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” When we do the right thing because it is right, we are whole. When we honor our commitments and keep our promises, we are whole and, therefore, have integrity.


Fine Arts Concert:

Guitar/Choir Christmas Concert, December 18 at 6:30pm

Students of the Month:

Students of the Month are nominated by teachers and staff for outstanding academic performance and citizenship and for exemplifying DFJHS’ core values of Respect, Compassion, Courage, Integrity and Perseverance. These students think critically, live responsibly and lead ethically. For the month of December our Students of the Month are:

7th Grade – Melanie Allen and Bennett Gordon

8th Grade – Laurae Latham and Daniel Romero

9th Grade: Annika Wallace and Branson Blood

Students of the Month are featured on the Diamond Fork News and can be seen by following this link:

The PEAK Award Customer Service Program:

Nebo School District showcases our Positive Energy and Kind employees. PEAK Awards are nominated by patrons and recognized by the Superintendent Staff and Nebo School Board of Education. For the month of November, our very own Mr. Troy Peterson received one of the awards. He was nominated by parents Melissa Laing and Brad Jex. They added, “Mr. Peterson has helped my daughter who has an IEP. He goes out of his way to show care and kindness. I had to put two other daughters on the 504 plan because of health issues. I can go to Mr. Peterson with any concern and he will help.”

“I have had many opportunities to work with Mr. Peterson. Sometimes we have not always seen eye to eye. When things were so challenging, Mr. Peterson showed nothing but professionalism and respect for all parties. His communication was always prompt in keeping me informed, and he worked well with me and took the time to listen to my concerns.”

Congratulations, Mr. Peterson! We are glad to have your positive energy and kindness at DFJHS!


Basketball: Dec 15—Boys/Girls Basketball vs. Payson 3:30

Dec 18—Boys/Girls Basketball vs. Springville 3:30

Wrestling: Dec 17—Wrestling @ home at 3:30

Swim: SFHS vs Timpview and SHHS at Provo Recreation Center on Tuesday, December 16 at 3:30pm

MMHS at Judge Memorial Invitational on December 19 and 20, Time TBD

Did you know… DFJHS sponsors a chapter of Latinos In Action or Latinos en Acción? Latinos in Action (LIA) is a program designed to help 8th and 9th grade Latino students develop life skills, provide service opportunities, grow character, embrace their culture and be involved with the school and community.  Its main purpose is to lead students to prepare for, apply to and eventually graduate with a degree from college.  Students are expected occasionally to take time after class for service and other purposes.  To become part of the class students fill out an application and are later approved by the LIA advisor.

Latinos en Acción (LIA) es un programa creado para ayudar a los estudiantes latinos del octavo y del noveno grado poder desarrollar habilidades para la vida, proveer oportunidades de servicio, crecer carácter, aceptar su cultura, e involucrarse con la escuela y la comunidad. Su objetivo principal es guiar a los estudiantes a prepararse para applicar, assistir, y finalmente graduarse de la universidad con un título.  A veces se requiere que los estudiantes donen tiempo después de las clases para dar servicio y participar en otras actividades. Para formar parte de esta clase hay que llenar una applicación y luego ser aprobados por el maestro de LIA.

DFJHS Faculty and Staff joins together to wish you happy and safe holidays this season. 


Alesha LeMmon