DFJHS Parent Newsletter

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on

Welcome back to a New Year! We are thrilled to see the students back in the classrooms and hallways and are looking forward to the last half of the school year.


 Change to School Access Route Plan: A change has been made to the school access route plan for Diamond Fork Jr High. If you have a student that walks to school and if you live north of 400 North in Spanish Fork, please instruct your student to cross 400 North at the 400 North 800 East intersection (circled in green below) and to not cross at 900 and 1100 East. The 800 East intersection is controlled by four stop signs.  The 900 and 1000 East intersections are not controlled by stop signs and UDOT has removed the painted crosswalks at these intersections.

Your efforts to assist with student safety are greatly appreciated.

 End of Term: Thursday, January 14th is the last day of the term. Please check your student’s grades this week to make sure they are on track in each of their classes. As always, we encourage you to contact any teachers via email or phone call who you may feel you need contact with.

 Classroom Emergency Kits: A big THANK YOU to all the families that have contributed to our National Jr. Honor Society classroom emergency kits project.  Some items have been checked off our list thanks to your generosity but we are still in need of a few more things.  If you can help us with any of the following items we would really appreciate it.  The number we still need to complete the kits is listed after the item.

             Duct Tape - 39 rolls                Toilet Paper – 61 rolls

             Scissors – 26                           Whistles – 39

             Hand sanitizer – 48 bottles      Soft cotton fabric/kerchiefs  - 300 yds fabric or 1100 kerchiefs

 (The kerchiefs would be very attainable if each parent sent one for each child they have attending our school.)

 We update the numbers still needed after each donation.  You can check the chart at ******

We are hoping to complete this project by February 1 and know it can only be done with the help and support of each of you.  Thanks for making our school a safer place for all our students!!!

Library Media news: Just a little note to let you know some of the things going on in our school library. All year, starting in February 2015 we have had a Young Author’s Club here at school. One of the students that regularly attended Young Author’s actually had her book published. A great big Hurrah! For Emeline Harty! We have several copies of her book for check-out here in the library.

We have Maker Spaces in the library. The students have always been able to work on puzzles when they are here. When one puzzle is completed, it is framed and hung up on the walls in the library. Other than Young Author’s and puzzles, we also have chess and checkers, white paper covered tables for drawing, doodling and creating. Students are welcome to make and display book projects. Students 7 – 9th grade are making wonderful posters and folders creatively “advertising” their favorite books. We are hoping to start a Lego room. This would be a small conference room with Lego boards and lots of Lego bricks for the students to build, create and make whatever they might imagine. If any of you that are reading this are “clearing out” Legos we would be happy to use them here in our Lego room.

 Students are constantly displaying creative projects in the library. We are always busy and our library truly is a happy place to be. Our circulation continues to rise and your students read a lot of books.Another great addition to, and extension of our library this year is OverDrive, our on-line, free library. Students and teacher have had training on how to use OverDrive and so far it has been a big success.The Library collection is being relabeled using ColorMarq to make the collection more user friendly for all students, faculty and staff.

 Counseling Department News:

With the opportunity to change phone providers, a significant percent of emergency contact phone numbers in our data system are not accurate.  We ask parents to please login to SIS and update their contact information including email addresses. The school needs this information so we can contact you in the event of an emergency.   The counseling department is holding meetings with all eighth graders and their parents during school hours.  The College and Career Readiness meetings are mandated by the state office of education.  The meetings last about 1 hour as we review high school graduation requirements, concurrent enrollment, AP courses, the ACT/SAT tests, college and career options, scholarships, and more.  Please note the alphabet assignments per counselor:

 A-I    Mrs Caceres:      http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c4aa8ab2cabff2-plan

 J-P   Mr. Mundinger:    http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4ca8a62da5fb6-plan

 R-Z   Mr Kimball:         http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4da8a728abfb6-plan

 We look forward to meeting with you. 

  School Community Council: Our next DFJHS SCC meeting will be held January 13, 2015 at 3:00 in the counseling office conference room. Anyone is welcome to attend and your input is invited and welcome.  

 Upcoming Events:

1/5         Creative Writing Night 6:00

1/6         Basketball @ DFJHS 3:30

1/7         Basketball @SFJHS 3:30

1/8         Shakespeare Class Plays 6:00-8:30

1/11       Basketball @DFJHS 3:30

1/11-1/14 Drama Evening Plays 6:00

1/13       Winter Choir concert 7:00-8:00

1/15       No School