Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

In the Diamond Fork PTA, every effort and contribution builds the positive culture of our school.  Everyone is needed in the Diamond Fork PTA! No time to volunteer?  Just paying dues is a big support!


Because schools can no longer handle PTA money, we have a couple ways you can pay membership this year.  First is online at our Diamond Fork PTA website (it will send you to a Diamond Fork PTA paypal account):


Click on the "Join PTSA" button.  It says PTSA because we also include a student service club.  Any student may join!

You may also pay in person at our first Parent/Teacher conference on September 24.  Or email us and we'll arrange to pick up your membership contribution! diamondforkpta [at] gmail.com (diamondforkpta[at]gmail[dot]com)

Along with your membership, you'll receive a community discount card for several local businesses, such as Wiggy Wash, Sip N Spot, the Dugout, and others.  We are grateful for their support!

Sincerely,Shauna WarnickPTA president


Shauna Warnick