DFJHS Weekly Newsletter

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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Diamond Fork Parents,

Did you know that Diamond Fork is home to 1162 students and over 60 faculty and staff members? Each and every one of these students and staff members bring individuality to our school and create our team of Diamondbacks. At DFJHS we believe that we are better together when we are surrounded by great team members. In this spirit I want to share 9 ways to be a great team member.

  1. Set the example- Instead of worrying about others decide to set the example and raise standards and performance.
  2. Use your strengths to help the team- Use your gifts and talents to contribute to your team’s vision and goals.
  3. Share positive contagious energy- Sharing positive energy infectiously enhances the mood, morale and performance of the team.
  4. Know and live the magic ratio 3:1- Praise, encourage, smile, recognize, energize and appreciate more. Three positive interactions to every one negative.
  5. Put the team first- Work hard, serve, develop yourself, and don’t take credit. Do it for the team.
  6. Build Relationships- Listen and learn about teammates. Know what inspires them and show them you care.
  7. Trust and Be Trusted- Trust is earned through integrity, consistency, honesty, transparency, vulnerability and dependability. Trust is everything.
  8. Hold Them Accountable- Great team members push, challenge and stretch each other to be their best and hold each other accountable.
  9. Be Humble- Be willing to learn, improve, and get better. Be open to feedback and suggestions and don’t let an ego get in the way of the growth of the team.


 PTA News: Our first official PTA meeting of the year is Thursday, Sept 3 at 11am in the conference room at the Jr High.  Add us to your calendar!  We'd love to see you there.

In the Diamond Fork PTA, every effort and contribution builds the positive culture of our school.  Everyone is needed in the Diamond Fork PTA! No time to volunteer?  Just paying dues is a big support!

Because schools can no longer handle PTA money, we have a couple ways you can pay membership this year.  First is online at our Diamond Fork PTA website (it will send you to a Diamond Fork PTA paypal account):


Click on the "Join PTSA" button.  It says PTSA because we also include a student service club.  Any student may join!

You may also pay in person at our first Parent/Teacher conference on September 24.  Or email us and we'll arrange to pick up your membership contribution! diamondforkpta [at] gmail.com (diamondforkpta[at]gmail[dot]com)

Along with your membership, you'll receive a community discount card for several local businesses, such as Wiggy Wash, Sip N Spot, the Dugout, and others.  We are grateful for their support!

 School Community Council:

Elections will be held August 31st through September 4th. Please come in to the office to cast your vote for SCC parent representatives. The First SCC meeting will be held Wednesday, September 9th at 3:00pm.

 Strengthening Families Parenting Program:

CAASA-Communities acting against substance abuse, invites your whole family to participate in a FREE, 12 week, evidence based course. Session starts Thursday, September 17, 2015. Class is every Thursday for 12 weeks at Payson Junior High School (1025 S Highway 198, Payson) Dinner is included! For more information, and to register, contact Kim Lefler at (801) 921-9779.

 A reminder to parents of all National Jr. Honor Society members:  your student's $15 fee needs to be paid by Sep. 1. Also, if your student is planning on participating in our Sep. 22 field trip, the $10 fee must be turned in by Sep. 1 as well. Our honor society will be purchasing long-sleeved T-shirts this year at a cost of $9. If your student would like to get one their money should be turned into the office no later than Friday, Sep. 4.  

 CROSS COUNTRY TRACK: Cross Country practice is every day from 3:00-4:15 on the grass behind the school. 7th, 8th and 9th grade boys and girls are encouraged to join. Talk to Coach Claybaugh for more information (todd.claybaugh [at] nebo.edu (todd[dot]claybaugh[at]nebo[dot]edu))

 Upcoming Events:  

9/3         x-country pre-district meet @DFJHS 

9/7         Labor Day, No School

9/8         Golf @ Gladstan

9/9         Picture Day!  

9/10       School Dance

9/11       x-country @SAJHS

9/14       Golf @ Spanish Oaks

9/16       Early Out (11:15) Teacher Development Day

9/18       Mid-Terms

9/18       x-country @ MJHS 

9/21       Golf @ Gladstan

9/22       Natl. Honor Society & Ag. Science @ CLAS Ropes

9/24       Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:00

9/25       x-country @SFJHS

9/28       Golf @ Hobble Creek