February 18, 2015 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Good character is doing the right thing because it is right to do what is right. Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow, character is the tree.” Our character is more than what we show to others, it is who we are when no one is watching. Our character determines how we respond to our successes and our failures in every event and circumstance.

If we were to make a list of good character traits or qualities, they would undoubtedly include compassion, courage, integrity, respect and perseverance. Character guides responses. How we respond to any endeavor or situation determines the results we get. For instance, if we are not attentive listeners when someone is speaking with us, it results in a breakdown in communication that can end in confusion and contention.

We hope that as we practice our Core Values, we build a culture of character that students will carry with them throughout their lives. We strive to build each other up as we are examples of good character. Do we falter? Yes. Do we rebuild? Yes. It’s in our character to do so.


Website Announcements:

As we receive information on spring sports, tournaments, events and happenings, we will place them on the newsletter AND on the Home Page of our school website in the right hand column for parents and students to view. Please check out the website at dfjhs.nebo.edu to keep up on these announcements. This week you will see:

Nebo School District Chess Tournament

2015-16 Yearbook Staff Applications

MMHS and SFHS Boys Tennis Tryouts

MMHS and SFHS Track and Field Information

SFHS Freshman Baseball and Girls’ Softball Meetings


The library currently has book order forms. If you would like to order books, pick up the forms in the library and order by February 25th.


Term 3 Midterm is Friday, February 20th. Please check your student’s SIS for current grades and missing assignments.

Parent Teacher Conferences:

We will hold parent teacher conferences next Thursday, February 26th from 3:30pm to 8:00pm. Please make a point to visit with your child’s teachers. Grade reports will be given out that evening.

7th Grade CTE Trimester Change:

The CTE trimester will end on February 25th, the day before Parent Teacher Conferences. Because of that, parents won't need to visit with their child's past CTE teacher, since the grades will be finalized for the trimester. And there will not be a need to visit with the new CTE teacher. This conference conflict happens just once a year. Please make sure your child has all missing assignments to their current CTE teacher before the trimester change.


UVU Concurrent Enrollment Information:

On the evening of Thursday, February 26th during parent teacher conferences, the UVU academic advisor over concurrent enrollment will be in the counseling office to answer any questions about concurrent enrollment for 9th grade students and their parents.  Please feel free to stop in anytime between 3:30 and 8:00 p.m.

New Social Studies Graduation Requirements:

Last month, the Utah State School Board officially removed General Financial Literacy from being considered as fulfilling social studies graduation requirements.  Today the Board voted to support social studies and to reaffirm the importance of social studies with a vote to restore the high school graduation requirements to 3.0 units, effective with the graduating class of 2019, (the incoming freshman class of 2015-2016.

2015-2016 School Year Registration Dates:

Feb. 25 - 9th graders go to the high schools for a presentation

Feb. 27 - 9th graders register for 10th grade classes; high school counselors here to help

March 4 - 7th graders presentation about 8th grade classes, get form to fill out, get signatures for special classes, form due March 12

March 5 - 8th graders presentation about 9th grade classes, form, signatures, due March 12


Check out all of the spring sports meetings and tryout dates on the school website at the DFJHS Home Page!

Did you know…We have Character Education, a class of 7th graders, modeling how to live responsibly by running our school recycling program and our annual school food drive (this school year, we are the largest contributor in Utah County, donating 49,276 items and $4,268), organizing activities for Red Ribbon Week, and making sandwiches for the Food & Care Coalition?


Alesha LeMmon, Cecily Yeager, Artwork by DFJHS Students