Halloween Haiku Contest

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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Congratulations to our Halloween Haiku Contest Winners! All students grades 7-9 were encouraged to write and submit a Halloween Themed Haiku poem to their English teachers. Winners were announced and prizes awarded as follows: 

Overall: Erika Webster
Word Choice: Helen Linford
Honorable Mention: Molly Bloxham
                                Adam Brandt
Creepiest: Kaitlyn Adams
Honorable Mention: Lauren von Bose
                               McKenzie Gladding

Special thanks to Ms. Parker’s class:
Presentation: Brynlie Ivie
Honorable Mention: Maddie Wing
                                Amelia Slaugh
Funniest: Chance Simons
Honorable Mention: Jacob Davis
                               Denver Christopherson
Creative: Bryson Evans 
Honorable Mention: Emily Draughon
                               Leslie Day

Kami Bone & DFJHS English Department