January 5, 2015 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on
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Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

In recent weeks we have talked about our five core values of courage, compassion, respect, integrity and perseverance. The impetus for the five values came from our mission statement that reads, “We empower students to think critically, live responsibly and lead ethically.” Our students practice core values by living the mission of the school. We believe when we act in accordance with our mission, we will become productive members of our citizenry.

When considering critical thinking, Adrienne Rich, a 20th century poet and writer concluded, “Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.” We grapple with hard work in our everyday lives and it is necessary that we can critically analyze the information put before us – that we can make something of it – something constructive.

You are raising and we are privileged to teach our future. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity.


National Jr. Honor Society:

Diamond Fork National Jr. Honor Society will be sponsoring a drive for SCHOOL SUPPLIES this month. We ask that anyone who has any extra items after their Christmas clean out would send those to school with their children. Thank you for your help.

Geography Bee:

This will be held for qualifying 7th and 8th graders during school tomorrow, January 6.

Jr. High School Musical!:

Regular rehearsals for cast and crew will begin on Tuesday, January 6 after school.



January 5: GBB and BBB at ALA – 3:30pm

January 8: GBB and BBB at Mt. Nebo JHS – 3:30pm


January 7 at 3:30pm at home vs Mapleton JHS


Anyone interested in trying out for Spanish Fork High School's Baseball team, needs to be at a meeting at 3 pm, on Friday, January 9 at Spanish Fork Jr. High in Coach Beardall's classroom, Room 31.  We will talk about starting early morning workouts and answer any questions you have about tryouts. If you have any questions please email Coach Gub at casey.nelson [at] nebo.edu


Anyone interested in taking part in open gym for Maple Mountain High School softball can obtain an information sheet from Mrs. Wilde in the main office. It has dates, times and other specifics for open gym.

Did you know…second term ends on January 15 – a week from Thursday? Please check SIS for your child’s grades and assignments.



Alesha LeMmon