March Madness Fundraiser

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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It is time for the annual PTA March Madness Fundraiser. We would love to get the word out and really get the students fired up about the classroom competition. The top three classes that return all their notes signed will receive a reward. Last year the rewards were a pizza party, doughnuts and ice cream sandwiches. This is year they will be similar.

We are asking each parent to donate $10.00 per student. This is our only fundraiser and we have chosen this way to eliminate time consuming, door-to-door sales. Hopefully the families see the benefit in this simplified version of a fundraiser. 

Notes will go home today Monday, March 21 and hopefully be returned by Friday, March 25. There is a green box in each of the math teachers classroom that students may deposit their envelope into. 

