May Student of the Month Breakfast

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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Celebrating our Students of the Month is a favorite day here at DFJHS. Lots of smiles and often times tears of joy are shed as we highlight the great kids that attend our school. Thanks to our amazing counselors and office staff for nominating students, and thanks to our parents for their support. We enjoyed hearing the great things these outstanding students do each day to make Diamond Fork a great place to be.

7th Grade: Jayden Kennedy, Kiean Patching, Sadie Clegg, & Ello O'Gwin

8th Grade: McKay Turner, Spencer Fano, Cristal Baez, Ian McBride, & Taysha Olsen

9th Grade: Kohen Losee, Leo Perez, Abby Green, & Austyn Knowlden