Mr. Olsen Receives NEBO PEAK Award

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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Nebo School District wants to showcase our Positive Energy and Kind employees. PEAK Awards are nominated by patrons and recognized by the Superintendent Staff and Nebo School Board of Education. Math teacher here at Diamond Fork, Mr. Dennis Olsen was the recipient of that award for the month of September. Here are a few things that our faculty said about Mr. Olsen, he is a fantastic educator and an even better person, congrats Mr. Olsen.

“Dennis is always lending a helping hand and ready to answer math questions. He is kind to everyone. Yesterday he helped me by putting things in my car. He often holds the door for students and teachers in the morning. Dennis is always in the hall during class breaks and is always willing to help students and teachers.” Ellen-Anita Olson

“Dennis always goes out of his way to make everyone feel special. He has true concern for students and teachers alike. A genuinely kind person!” James Clark

“Dennis certainly is one of the best people I’ve been able to work with! We can’t say enough good about him. He always makes his acts of kindness seem like no big deal.” He’s scraped off my windshield, carried things to my room for me, and let me borrow things from his classroom. He is so genuine and seems happy to help. I have also appreciated his thoughtful cookies and notes from time to time. Dennis is definitely a Diamond Fork Hero of the day, week, month... year.” Kelly Cole Taylor

“Dennis is one of the finest people I've ever met. When his name comes up in class, there is an instant positive response from students - he builds up everyone he's around. I have never found anyone (student, teacher, parent, or administrator) who didn't love Mr. Olsen. He shows the rest of us what's possible. Thank you Dennis.” Scott Buck

“Mr. Olsen truly is one of the kindest and most positive people I know. And I don't think there is a parent, student, teacher, or administrator that doesn't adore him.” Mandy Young

“Mr. Olsen is a great "Hall Buddy" and neighbor. He was one of the first people to make me feel welcome at Diamond Fork Jr. His cookies are a lifesaver!” Rebecca Antares

“Definitely the essence of a gentleman!!” Susane Anderson

“Dennis embodies what true gentlemen should be. He is always thoughtful. But, beware, when I least expect it, he will say something, and I giggle. I love that!”

“Thank you Dennis for all you do for our students and for us at DFJHS. You are AMAZING!” Leslie Parrott

“Dennis brought all my stuff home for me the day I had to do a long run training and run home from work. He is always smiling and owns the best ties in the world!” Maria Lewis

“I love Dennis! He is always positive. Seriously, no matter the topic, lunch detention, math lab, naughty kids, he is positive! He never asks for anything but he wants others to receive. His smile and wit brighten many of my days!” Brenda Burr

“Perhaps the kindest person I’ve ever met, after my mother.” Rhet Rowley