Mrs. Tippetts is Retiring After Decades of Impacting Students' Lives

Submitted by bart.thompson on
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Today is a momentous occasion at Diamond Fork. It is the last day of teaching for Mrs. Tippetts as she is retiring. Mrs. Tippetts has been a dedicated, gifted teacher who has gone above and beyond for over 29 years to serve students.  Known, respected, and loved throughout the community, she is a teaching legend.

Energetic, passionate, and fun, wearing go-go boots, playing her guitar like a rock star, donning zombie or steam punk Halloween costumes, or as in our Make-A-Wish Assembly last year- becoming the lead singer of ABBA, Mrs. Tippetts was always ALL IN!

One of her former Diamond Fork students said that Mrs. Tippetts “was the only math teacher I have ever had that made me not hate math.”

But perhaps this quote says it all. Her daughter, now an assistant principal at Payson High School said “So many of my friends and my siblings' friends say to me "Your mom was the best teacher I ever had."  

Please give Mrs. Tippetts an air high five today to thank her. And you know what, this may be her last day in a formal classroom, but Mrs. Tippetts is not done teaching. You can bet that she will still find many ways to keep on teaching and her students will continue to have their lives blessed because Mrs. Tippetts was their teacher. 

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