Radon Poster Contest

Submitted by scott.buck on

To help raise awareness about the dangers of radon, students at Diamond Fork Junior High School are doing a poster contest.  Entries are due October 8th to your science teacher.  If you win the school contest you move on to the state competition, if you win the state competition you receive money and a chance to move on to the national competition.

Radon comes from underground in rock, soil, and water, and is made by the natural radioactive decay of uranium. After being produced it slowly snakes its way through the ground to get to the air above the surface, but not all of it.  Some of this deadly gas stays below the surface and dissolves in the water that flows deep in the ground.  The Radon that does escape the ground can seep its way into your house causing exposure.

Radon is dangerous mostly because it is poisonous and can give people lung cancer if you are exposed to it for too long. Radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer.  People can get a Radon testing kit to check the levels in their house.  Good luck Diamondbacks on creating posters to draw attention to this silent poison.

By: Jenna Frisby