Recipient of Crystal Apple Award: Ms. Cole

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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In the 16 years she has been at this school, Kelly Cole has contributed a great deal to our school. She brought the Latinos in Action program to our students because she saw a need for opportunities. Because she was concerned about paper usage in a school, she started a recycling program. When she decided that our student interventions weren't as successful as they could be, she coordinated a group to create a new system. Recognizing that English and Social Studies work in tandem, Kelly spent two years at the State Office of Education with a committee rewriting the Social Studies core to include more skills. Kelly runs our Diamondback Days, is an Honor Society adviser, helps out with our STARS Assembly, and has served as the PTA teacher liaison. When Kelly sees a problem or a need, she rises to the challenge. She is an asset to our school.