Weekly Newsletter 10-13-15

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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Diamondback Parent Newsletter 10/13/15

We hope every teacher, student, parent and family member enjoys their Fall Break! We hope you find lots of relaxation, family time, and rejuvenation. As a reminder, Term 1 ends on Thursday, October 22nd.


 **Still Happening! SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN**:  Parents, Grandparents, Siblings and Students we need your help! Diamond Fork Junior High has set a goal to reach as many followers on social media as possible, and there is even a reward! Every Friday our student council will randomly select 3 social media followers to receive a Coldstone or iTunes gift card. If anyone in your family is randomly selected your student will be awarded a gift card of their choice. All you need to do is like or follow us on one of our official sites. Instagram: DFJHSJunior1 Facebook: Diamond Fork Junior High Official https://www.facebook.com/Official-Diamond-Fork-Junior-High-School-114367598668747/timeline/ or Twitter: DFJHS1 Thank you for your help and support of our students and faculty at DFJHS!  We are currently 398 likes and counting, be the next one that counts!

 Diamondback Day: All eligible students will be attending Diamondback Day tomorrow! Our students will be able to participate in a movie and concessions as a reward for their good grades and citizenship. We are proud of what great students we have here at DFJHS and feel lucky to be a part of these days!

 Cross Country Team: Good luck to all the members of the Cross Country Team today at District Finals!

 Golf Team: Congratulations to our golf team for their tough competition at the District Finals @ Hobble Creek yesterday! These boys played hard and did a great job improving their games this season! Go Diamondbacks!

 Girls Tennis: CONGRATULATIONS to the girl's tennis team! There was outstanding play from all girl's. The Varsity players on Thursaday came away with Milla Hancock, Elle Jewkes, Jenny Marshall and Rachel Wasden, Maddy Leckie and Jolene Phelps taking 4th; Emalee Anderson & Kortney Jackson taking 5th.

For JV on Friday Tarlan Kelly placed 2nd, Gabrielle Hutchinson placed 1st, Shannon Vance, Bethany Jewkes, Abby Anderson, and Megan Weight placed 5th; and Brooke Walker and Emma Young placed 4th. Congratulations on a great season!

Intramurals: Thank you for all those who came out for the faculty vs students flag football game. It was a hard fight battle for both team, however, the faculty team came on top with a victory of 42-28. Our next challengers will be in soccer following fall break.

Nebo 4-H Afterschool Clubs: If you are planning on joining the wrestling boot-camp 4-H after school club make sure you sign this week. The club will begin next Monday after fall break. It will run Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 weeks.

PTA News: Calling all creative students!

The theme for Reflections this year is   Let Your Imagination Fly!

Enter art, literature, music, dance and videography submissions are due Wednesday, October 14 at 8am.  

Entry forms are available in the office. This is a national contest that reflects well on college and scholarship applications in the future!

School Community Council: Nebo School District Board SCC @ PHS on October 20th at 4:00pm. Any new council members will have SCC Training on October 21st at 3:30pm at the Nebo School District Office.  The next DFJHS SCC meeting will be held November 11, 2015 at 3:00 in the counseling office conference room. Anyone is welcome to attend and your input is invited and welcome.

 Upcoming Events:

10/12     Golf District Finals @ Hobble Creek

10/14     Diamondback Day

10/14     UV Orchestra band and orchestra field trip

10/15-16              FALL BREAK! NO SCHOOL

10/20                     Band & Orchestra @ UV Symphony

10/22                     TERM 1 ENDS

10/23                     No School

10/26                     TERM 2 BEGINS

10/28                     District Drama Halloween Party

10/29                     Band & Orchestra Halloween Concert