Weekly Newsletter 11-2-15

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Diamondback Parent Newsletter  11/2/15


 Parent Teacher Conference Information: Our parent teacher conferences for term 2 are going to be presented in a new format and we wanted to give you some prior notice as you begin to plan your next couple of months. We will be holding parent teacher conferences on November 18th and December 16th from 3:00-5:30pm. We are excited to be able to offer a more individualized conference experience for you and your students. Please watch for more information in scheduling times to meet with individual teachers and the open format times in the next week or two.

 Parents/Guardians of 8th grade students:

Sign up for your PCCR (Plan for College and Career Readiness) Meeting.

PCCR Meetings will begin on November 2, 2015.

What is a PCCR (Plan for College and Career Readiness) Meeting?
Parents/Guardians and 8th grade students will meet with one of the school counselors.  We will discuss high school courses and graduation credits, college, scholarships, concurrent enrollment, AP classes, the ACT/SAT test, and much more.  This meeting will last approximately 1 hour. 

Each counselor will meet with specific families, depending on their last name.  Mrs. Caceres: students with last names A-I, Mr. Mundinger: students with last names J-P, and Mr. Kimball: students with last names Q-Z.

Parents/Guardians will sign up for a day and time through SignUpGenius, which is located on the Diamond Fork Junior High School website under Counseling Center.  http://dfjhs.nebo.edu/departments/counseling-office  

Reunión sobre la preparación universitaria y profesional:

Todos los estudiantes de octavo grado y sus padres/guardián legal se reunirán con los consejeros de la escuela. Vamos a charlar de los cursos de la secundaria y créditos de graduación, la universidad, las becas, la matriculación de classes concurrentes, las clases de AP, la prueba ACT/SAT, y mucho más. Esta reunión tendrá una duración de aproximadamente 1 hora.

Cada consejero se reunirá con familias específicas, en función de su apellido.  Las familias de apellido A - P con la Señora Cáceres y las familias de apellido R - Z con el Señor Kimball.

Los padres/guardián legal pueden registrarse a través de SignUpGenius, que está colocado en el sitio web de la escuela de Diamond Fork Junior High debajo de "Counseling Center." 

Ahora pueden registrarse en su reunión. Gracias.

National Junior Honor Society:   In light of all the human and natural disasters and calamities in the world today, our DFJHS National Jr. Honor Society would like to help prepare our school for emergency situations.

 Our members recently inventoried each classroom to check for stocked first aid kits and disaster bins. The rooms that do have kits – not all do - have perishable items that have never been rotated and the supplies in them are very minimal.  Our school nurse made an effort last spring to replenish Band-Aids in classroom first aid kits but some rooms don’t even have a kit.  From our perspective we are woefully unprepared and underprepared for an emergency situation.  Our honor society would like to remedy that by securing a well-stocked bin and first aid supplies for each classroom in our school.  Our plan is to make this an ongoing project for our Honor Society by replenishing the first aid kids and rotating the food and water each spring by using those items for our school Fitness Day 5K run and then restocking the perishable items in the bins with fresh items each fall when school starts.

 We are in need of the following items: (Please cut and paste URL into your browser)  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S-tRjM4CJe_NdHUk09tBB1qQZFm7oWEVJgbTqQ6cN38/edit?ts=5631297d

 If you can help us by donating one of more of the items we would greatly appreciate it!  As items are donated the numbers will go down so please keep checking our chart to see how we are doing.

  Book Fair & Maker Fair: The Book Fair will go from Nov. 6 - 11. Nov. 6 will be in-store, including the Maker Fair from 5 - 7 pm. This is a great opportunity for students to show off their talents (ie: sculpting, painting, drawing, science fair project.) Sign up in the library for the Maker Fair. The Maker Fair in conjunction with the Book Fair is a great opportunity for the students to share their talents and interests. Local artists will also be available at the store Nov. 6th and 7th. The Book Fair will benefit all the students and teachers at the school by giving us an opportunity to add more books in our library.

Here is a code for the students and parents to use at the Barnes and Noble Book Fair/Maker Fair.: 11727807 Bookmarks for all the students will be available in the office and in the library. Please use this code in-store and online for the duration of the book fair.


Boys Basketball: Any 9th grade boys who are interested in trying out for the 2015-2016 9th grade basketball team, Open gyms will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday until tryouts.

 Girls Basketball: Any 9th grade girls who are interested in trying out for the basketball team, open gyms will be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week, from 2:45-3:45. Tryouts will start Monday, November 9th.

 Nebo 4-H Afterschool Clubs: Fall clubs will be wrapping up in November. Watch for new clubs after Christmas Break!

 School Community Council: Our next DFJHS SCC meeting will be held November 11, 2015 at 3:00 in the counseling office conference room. Anyone is welcome to attend and your input is invited and welcome.  

 Winter Coats Available: If your child is in need of a coat for the winter, please come to the Tabitha's Pantry facility (140 North Main Street Spanish Fork) from 10am-1pm or 2pm-6pm Monday (Nov. 2) through Saturday (Nov. 7). There are many coats in various sizes available, and they are being given out on a first come first served basis until they run out. The person picking up the coat will need to have a picture ID and be registered in their system. If the coat is for a child, the CHILD MUST BE PRESENT so they can make sure the coat fits.

Upcoming Events:

11/11                     Veterans Day

11/11                     DFJHS SCC Meeting 3:00

11/16-20              HOPE Week

11/18                     Fall Choir Concert 7:00

11/18                     Parent Teacher Conferences

11/19                     HOPE Week Assembly

11/24                     Star’s Assembly

11/24                     Midterm

11/25-27              Thanksgiving Break (No School)