Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by sarah.blackhurst on
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 Parent Conferences: For those parents and students wanting to meet with their child’s teachers we will be holding our second parent conference on Wednesday, December 16th from 3:30-6:00pm. We will follow a format similar to our conferences held in November. Teachers will be available to meet with any parents wanting to discuss their child’s performance in their class. We are attaching a link to time slots to schedule throughout the entire conference time, or you are welcome to drop in as teachers will be available before and after each time slot scheduled. Thank you for your support with this format, we look forward to hearing your feedback on it soon. Please follow the link to schedule your conferences: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0E4CAFA723A6F58-parent3

 National Junior Honor Society: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!  Our National Jr. Honor Society thanks all of you who have donated supplies or money to our Emergency Kit project.  Fresh Market donated 10 cases of water and our 4H Service Club has donated supplies, shopped and delivered items for us.  We are still in need of a number of items.  If many people donate a little it will all add up to kits that will sustain our student body for a period of time in an Emergency situation.  Please check the link below to see what we are still in need of.  We update it after every donation.  THANK YOU again!!  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S-tRjM4CJe_NdHUk09tBB1qQZFm7oWEVJgbTqQ6cN38/edit?ts=5631297d  If you can help us by donating one of more of the items we would greatly appreciate it!  As items are donated the numbers will go down so please keep checking our chart to see how we are doing.

Christmas Dance Eligibility: DFJHS Christmas dance will be Monday, December 14th. To qualify to go to the dance all detentions, including tardies, sluffs and AFT’s will need to be served. Deadline to serve detentions will be Tuesday, December 8th. Students can go to the homework lab (#25) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to serve detentions. Students must get a note from the teacher in the homework lab with the date and amount of time served and give to Mrs. Wilde or Mrs. Diamond in the front office to count towards detention. There are also two rooms in the office where you can serve every day after school on a first come, first serve basis.

 Nebo 4-H Afterschool Clubs: Fall clubs will be wrapping up soon. Watch for new clubs soon!

 School Community Council: Our next DFJHS SCC meeting will be held December 9, 2015 at 3:00 in the counseling office conference room. Anyone is welcome to attend and your input is invited and welcome.  

  Upcoming Events:

12/7-11                 Lion King Auditions

12/8                       Boys Basketball @ Orem

12/9                       Wrestling @DFJHS

12/10                     Christmas Band Concert 6:00pm

12/14                     Basketball @ Mt. Nebo

12/14                     School Christmas Dance

12/15                     Day Care Day

12/15                     Jazz Band Performs @ mall

12/15                     Orchestra Christmas Concert

12/16                     PARENT CONFERENCES 3:00-6:00

12/16                     Wrestling @ Salem

12/17                     Christmas Assembly

12/17                     Basketball @ DFJHS

12/18                     Diamondback Day