Welcome Ms. Neumiller

Submitted by mike.sorensen on
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My name is Hailey Neumiller and I will be teaching 9th grade biology and 7th grade science this year! I just graduated from BYU in April and I am so excited to share my passion for the study of life! I am originally from Star, Idaho so I grew up playing outside with my 3 younger sisters and farming potatoes (just kidding, we could barely keep our garden alive). I love animals and my family had 2 cats, a chihuahua and a rabbit, as well as periodic squirrels - long story. I learned how to ski when I was 2 years old and I haven't missed a season since. I also enjoy mountain biking, hiking, and watching movies. My favorite movies are Harry Potter and Star Wars and I am always up for a trivia challenge! Science has always been my favorite subject in school and I knew I would do something biology related when I grew up, but I didn't realize I wanted to teach until a year into college. While I love the idea of researching and making discoveries, I also truly enjoy just sharing the things I know and helping others understand and like science themselves. My goal as a teacher is to help my students learn how to ask good questions and not be afraid to find the answers on their own. I hope that kids leave my class with a greater appreciation for science and a desire to take their education into their own hands!