Storyteller Donald Davis Wows DFJHS Crowd

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

One of the United States most sought after storytellers, Donald Davis put on a show for Diamond Fork students and faculty yesterday morning.The author of eighteen books and more than forty original recordings, Davis is the recipient of both the Circle of Excellence and the Lifetime Achievement Awards from the National Storytelling Network. He was amazing, check out some of his work on his website,

First Deaf Player in the NBA Kicks Off DF Hero Theme!

Submitted by brenda.burr on

Lance Allred was the guest speaker of our kick off hero theme assembly for the year. Mr. Allred, after numerous setbacks, ended up playing for Cleveland in the NBA. He spoke to the students about perseverance, integrity, getting out of your comfort zone, compassion, and being the leader of your own life or the hero of your own life which leads to inspiring others to be heroes as well. Students and faculty alike were inspired by his message. 

New Student Party

Submitted by mike.sorensen on

Thanks to Mr. Claybaug, the Latinos In Action, and our Counselors (Mrs. Caceras, Mr. Gull & Mr. Mundinger) for welcoming our new students to Diamond Fork. This afternoon there was a large "get to know you" party, and pizza! Lots of fun was had by all those who attended and hopefully made new friends.