April 2015

Day Care Days

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Every year, Mrs. Annette Gardner hosts multiple Day Care Days (DCD) in line with the CTE Introduction Utah State Standards. DCD invites children from 2 to 5 years old to participation in the activity/assignment. The students plan in groups what they will do for the day with the children. 

When the children arrive, the student groups take time to introduce the children to the area and let them explore and familiarize themselves. Next, the children may participate in the planned activity. The students pay attention to each detail and plan age appropriate activities. 

Contributor: Jenna George

Lagoon Day Eligibility

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on


Students planning on attending Lagoon at the end of the school year must meet the following requirements:

1. CITIZENSHIP – No N’s or U’s at mid-term 4th term. (Note: Failure to maintain good citizenship after this point will result in ineligibility.
2.  DETENTIONS – No unserved detentions for tardies or sluffs for 4th term.
3.  PASSING GRADES – No D or F grades on mid-term of 4th term.

Latinos In Action Conference

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

On Friday, March 27th, 1,600 Latinos In Action (LIA) students attended the 2015 LIA Conference at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. We had a lot of fun and so did the other schools in attendance. Being in a room filled with many other different kinds of Latino cultures made us feel like we were at home, like family. The hosts made us feel so comfortable. The dances and the older students inspired us. 
