May 2015

300 LIKES on Facebook!

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

We just hit 300 likes! We have some FANTASTIC parents, guardians, siblings, students, teachers and other supporters! 

Please let your friends know about our website and facebook page! There is always a little something new we add. 

Note, if you have friends who will have a new 7th grade student attending DFJHS next year, please invite them to like us!

Diamond Fork JHS is the place to be! Thank you everyone! 

May 14, 2015 Weekly Parent Newsletter

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Dear Diamond Fork Parents,

The school year is fading and dreams of summer are upon us. We have some year end events planned to celebrate our successes. One of those activities is the Year End School Dance. This should be a fun time for students to gather together and celebrate another completed school year. Additionally, the school will be going to Lagoon on May 28th for our annual Lagoon Day.

African Drumming in World Geography

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Part of the Utah Core Curriculum for 9th grade World Geography is for students to evaluate and experience how culture influences the way people live in places and regions. One of the units that Mrs. Gardner and Miss Reese teach to help meet this standard is on World Music, and one of the lessons during this unit is for the students to have the opportunity to learn how to play the African drums. 

Ms. Katie Reese